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Die Selbstheilung sollte bei Jedem an erster Stelle stehen.

Tom Gamal, Studio-Leiter

Massage bei Federica

Die Art der Massage und besondere Wünsche werden im Vorgespräch gemeinsam geklärt.

Federica does not work with Gutscheine/ Vouchers


I’m Federica, 27 years old from Italy.
My pronouns are she/her and any genders are very welcome!
My mantra is “ Breathe and let it go”.
As a massage therapist i respond to any kind of request ( not sexual! ) and my speciality is Holistic Deep Tissue massage.

Deep Tissue Massage focuses on reaching the deeper layers of muscles and fascia. Increased nerve flow circulation, blood pressure, improve immune system and many other benefits!

This massage can also increase production of serotonin, which promotes good feelings and happiness.

It may also be helpful for:

Insomnia caused from stress
Nerve pain
and more!

I’m currently learning Thai Massage and this will be soon available on my page.

I believe that massage is one of the powerful thing you can experience in your life, and remember…breathe and let it go.


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