Die Selbstheilung sollte bei Jedem
an erster Stelle stehen.
Tom Gamal, Studio-Leiter
The practice of standing on the bed of nails
closing of the bones ritual
More info: ayamo.life
My name is Aya and I work with body and states.
Keywords for my massage style: attentive and filled with love.
Each session will be adapted to your specific needs and requests for an individual experience. You can choose from different massage techniques (Swedish, aromatherapy, lomi-lomi, etc.) A popular combination is that of deep tissue and soft relaxation approaches.
Rebozo massage
is a very soft, non- contact vibration technique from Mexico, using traditional Rebozo scarves to gently rock and stretch the body.
the vibrations caused reach deeper into the body than is possible with hands
induces a state of profound relaxation that improves blood flow, calms and he nervous and stimulates self-healing processes
helps in letting go of control, learning to surrender and trust, releasing deep-seated emotions.
nurtures the Inner Child
Practice of standing on the bed of nails.
is an ancient Indian Yogic Practice that works on both the physical and energy bodies. It is intense practice of stimulating fire energy.
Closing of the bones ritual
This ritual is for anyone who is going or went through an important transition period in life, like moving to a different country, loss of someone or something, giving birth, or any other big shifts in life. It helps to close one life cycle and enter another.
The ceremony lasts 5-7 hours and usually takes place at your home.
it includes:
• a warming drink made from water, cocoa and spices
• time to process your story
• making mandala from herbs
• rebozo massage
• bath with herbs
• body oiling
• pravki (an old slavik technique of abdominal massage)
• swaddling, cocoon wrapping and putting 7 locks down and then up on the body with the help of garment.